PBL State Officer Team

  • Chris Achkar


    Bio: Chris is a junior pursuing a major in Information Systems and Business Analytics from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. He’s been involved with FBLA-PBL since his sophomore year of high school, serving as the Treasurer & Secretary of Strategic Communications for his chapter at Saint Joseph High School. In addition to serving as the Director of Programs for the board, he is currently the Co-Founder and President of the PBL chapter at Indiana University. Outside of PBL, Chris and his roommates co-founded their his own clothing line titled “Odd Reality” and hope to substantially grow the business throughout their time at IU. Chris is also a member of the Swim Club at IU and loves to golf & hang out with friends.

  • Gabriel Vanni


    Bio: Gabriel “Gabe” is a sophomore at Indiana University currently studying Finance and Accounting at the Kelley School of Business. Gabe has been involved in FBLA since his junior year in high school. Gabe is from Washington, DC where he was the president of his local chapter at Woodrow Wilson High School. During his time in Washington, DC, he made it to the National Fall Leadership Conference where he competed in Marketing. He is also involved in Toastmasters at Indiana University. Lastly, Gabe says FBLA-PBL has allowed him to become a better public speaker, better at networking, and expanded his leadership skills. Gabe is ready to elevate his leadership and step up to the challenge.

  • Conner Snyder


    Bio: Conner is a rising 3rd year at Indiana University studying Information Systems and Business Analytics with a minor in Nonprofit Management. As an FBLA-PBL member for six years, Conner has gained connections and skills that enabled him to co-found the IU chapter, host workshops alongside National Board members, and develop future leaders representing FBLA-PBL well. Conner currently serves as the local chapter president and Indiana Phi Beta Lambda State Vice-President. This past year, he had the opportunity to serve as the Indiana PBL Executive Board Chair and a member of the Competitive Events Committee. The committee proposed event changes and updated resource guides for the 2021-2022 competitive events program.

  • Natalie See


    Bio: Natalie See is a rising junior studying accounting at Indiana University Bloomington. She joined PBL in the fall of her sophomore year. Natalie currently serves as Indiana’s state secretary. Within her own chapter, she’s also highly proactive, having previously taken a position as VP of Membership. She previously served as head of marketing for the social media ambassadors at the PBL national level. Aside from PBL, she has a passion for environmental ethics and has volunteered my time as a content creator for Sierra Club. In her free time, she likes to cook, learn new baking recipes, play video games, and watch documentaries! She’s excited for the opportunity to serve as secretary and looks forward to what this year has to offer.